Table of Contents PDC - Product data collection General Variables Suffixes Synonyms: Product code: Book Creator Add this page to your book Book Creator Remove this page from your book Manage book(0 page(s)) Help This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation. (remove this paragraph once the translation is finished) PDC - Product data collection Product data collection is used to store measured values or states of a manufactured component and to provide it with a unique number. There are different possibilities to store product data in the MES-Suite. Various variants are listed below. In addition, it is possible to query measured values or states of the product data collection from the PLC. Various variants are listed below for this purpose. General In general, all data to be stored must be available before the signal {Write}. I.e. the variables {Value1…N}, the variable {Code} and if necessary the variable {Product} have to be set to TRUE at least 300ms before the change of state of variable {Write}. If the machine has several cavities, saving the values can also be done via several triggers (variable {Write}) at the same time. Variables Suffixes *: Variable is required (applies to all of the following tables). Synonyms: Product (name of the product): Item, item number, recipe Product code (Unique number per product): Embossed text, Barcode Product ID (Unique database GUID): Unique identification of a component in the database Product code: If no pattern is defined for the product code, a default product code is generated by the SPSDataCollector and saved. The data are assigned to this code and saved. The default product code is generated from the last two year numbers, the day in the year and a ten-digit sequential number. The pattern looks as follows: yyddd0000000000.