Alarm messages

Alarm messages can be signaled to MK|Ware as BOOL, WORD or DWORD. For this purpose, all alarm messages must be mapped in the following structure (table or CSV):

Column Description Type Required/Std.
Number Error message number in the visualization INT Yes
Text Static error message as text STRING Yes
Bit number Starts at 0. Required for error message linking with WORD or DWORD, otherwise 0. INT Required for WORD/DWORD, otherwise 0.
PLC variable name/address The name or address of the variable that indicates the error. BOOL/WORD/DWORD Yes
Description Details of the error message STRING Optional
Corrective action Possible corrective actions. STRING Optional

The error messages are imported into the MKSupervisor once and linked to the PLC variables. Any number of alarm messages can be active at the same time. All variables are monitored and recorded independently of each other.

There is a corresponding BOOL variable in the PLC for each error message. The breakdown shown above defines which BOOL variable corresponds to which fault. The error message recording is triggered by a rising flank and switched off by a falling flank.

16 error messages are displayed per WORD and 32 per DWORD. The respective bit position of the error in the WORD/DWORD is defined in the zero-based bit number column in the breakdown shown above. It also defines which WORD/DWORD contains which error. The error is triggered by the rising flank of the associated bit and switched off by the falling flank of the associated bit.