Table of Contents MKWare_Machinestatus VAR_INPUT VAR_OUTPUT Function module machine status Book Creator Add this page to your book Book Creator Remove this page from your book Manage book(0 page(s)) Help MKWare_Machinestatus This function module records the status of the work center and displays it within the MKSupervisor. VAR_INPUT VAR_INPUT Setup : BOOL; (* The work center is in “setup” mode. *) AutomaticActive : BOOL; (* The PLC's automatic mode is active. The work center is producing. *) AutomaticReady : BOOL; (* The automatic system can be started immediately. *) Alarm : BOOL; (* The work center has a malfunction. *) END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT VAR_OUTPUT MSTfromPLC_Setup : BOOL; (* Output to MK|Ware: The work center is in “setup” mode. *) MSTfromPLC_AutomaticActive : BOOL; (* Output to MK|Ware: The PLC's automatic mode is active. The work center is producing. *) MSTfromPLC_AutomaticReady : BOOL; (* Output to MK|Ware: The automatic system can be started immediately. *) MSTfromPLC_Alarm_DB5001 : BOOL; (* Output to MK|Ware: The work center has a malfunction. *) END_VAR Function module machine status