
A virtual product is created within the MK|Ware and reserved with a product serial number. This serial number is transferred to the PLC function block and processed further there. A configuration in MKSupervisor specifies that a Produkt SN is generated there and transferred to the PLC. The SN to be created can be predefined from the PLC using the sample.

    PDAtoPLC_ItemAdded:       BOOL;             (* Output from MK|Ware: variable is set to TRUE when a product serial number has been generated. *)
    PDAtoPLC_ProductSN:       STRING;           (* Output from MK|Ware: contains the product serial number ProductSN for the product. *)
    PDAtoPLC_ProductGUID:     STRING;           (* Output from MK|Ware: contains the unique ID for MK|Ware internal identification. *)
    PDAtoPLC_Timestamp:       STRING;           (* Output from MK|Ware: timestamp of when the product was created. **OPTIONAL** *)
    Enable:                   BOOL  := TRUE;	(* Reset all signals. *)
    AddItem:                  BOOL;             (* Start signal to request a new ProductSN. *)
    ProductDesignation:       STRING;           (* Product designation *)
    Template:                 STRING;           (* Template for ProductSN (e.g.: ddmmyy00000&) *)
    ProductSNadditional:      STRING;           (* Optional: The text is added in to the serial number at the "&" position of the template variable *)
    TimeoutTime:              TIME  :=t#10S;    (* Value for timeout. *)
    DelayTime:                TIME  :=t#300ms;  (* Value for delay time. *)
    PDAfromPLC_AddItem:               BOOL;     (* Output to MK|Ware: If the status is TRUE, a product SN should be generated. *)
    PDAfromPLC_ProductDesignation:    STRING;   (* Output to MK|Ware: Contains the current product. *)
    PDAfromPLC_Template:              STRING;   (* Output to MK|Ware: Specifies a template for creating the product SN. *)
    PDAfromPLC_ProductSNadditional:   STRING;   (* Output to MK|Ware: Contains additional characters that may extend the template. *)
    TimeoutError:                     BOOL;     (* A TimeoutError is triggered after a specified period of time has elapsed. *)
    Busy:                             BOOL;     (* Is TRUE after start signals and FALSE after an abort or the return message from MK|Ware. *)
    ItemAdded:                        BOOL;     (* Pass-through signal from MKWare. *)
    ProductSN:                        STRING;   (* Pass-through signal from MKWare. *)
    ProductGUID:                      STRING;   (* Pass-through signal from MKWare. *)
    TimeStamp:                        STRING;   (* Pass-through signal from MKWare. *)
    Error:                            STRING;   (* Description of the error for error analysis *)
    ErrorID:                          INT;      (* Error ID for error analysis *)